Associated partner: Università della Svizzera Italiana
Team Leader
Institute Presentation
The Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) and the chair of Psychiatry is part of the Faculty of Biomedicine and operates in synergy with the Cantonal Socio-psychiatric Organization, which is the dedicated infrastructure of the Ticino Canton Department of Health and Social Care coordinating and managing mental health service delivery for a population of above 350.000 citizens.
USI is one of the 12 certified public universities in Switzerland and member of Swiss universities. It is a young and lively university, a hub of opportunity open to the world in which students are offered a quality interdisciplinary education in which they can be fully engaged and take center stage.
Role in the FAMILY project:
The USI is involved in dissemination and trans-domain conceptualization across the different levels of analysis addressed by the FAMILY project.

Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
Via Buffi 13
6904 Lugano
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