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Conferences on neuroscience, psychiatry, and developmental psychology

  • #10th International Symposium on Resilience Research

    September 25-27, 2024 Mainz/Germany // September 24: Satellite Workshop
    The symposium takes place as an IN-PERSON meeting (30 min. from Frankfurt International Airport).

    Follow & find us on X: @ResilienceRes #resilience2024

    Abstract & Registration Deadlines: July 31st 2024.


    It’s that time of year again this September: international luminaries in resilience research are coming together in Mainz to present and debate the latest research findings.

    Since the symposium took place for the first time in 2015, it has been regarded as the most important gathering for international resilience researchers and shapes the field of research every year.

    Be there when the International Symposium on Resilience Research invites you to its 10th anniversary this year and opens the doors to the latest findings from the research landscape.

    Download the program here.

    Click here for more information & registration!

  • 21st biennial Congress of the Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry Section of the European Psychiatric Association

    The EPA section Epidemiology & Social Psychiatry is delighted to invite to their 21st congress, taking place on the campus of the University of Lausanne very nicely located on the shores of the Lake Geneva.

    Congress dates: 11-14 September 2024
    Registration open: 01 February 2024
    Call for abstracts: 01 February 2024
    Abstract submission until 15 April 2024

    The field of psychiatric epidemiology and social psychiatry has rapidly progressed during the last years by combining traditional clinical and epidemiological data with genetic, neuroimaging, accelerometry and ecological momentary measures in single studies or large databases.

    By organizing overviews by distinguished experts in specific domains of our field, symposia, free oral presentations and poster sessions, the meeting will focus on recent advancements throughout Europe and beyond. Following the tradition of previous meetings, this conference will also offer an excellent opportunity for young researchers to present their results and to exchange with each other and with experienced researchers in the field.

  • EUFAMI congress on Conflict and Recovery in Mental Health

    FAMILY partner EUFAMI organizes together with the Lithuanian member-organisation LSPŽGB congress on “Conflict and Recovery in Mental Health” from 21 to 22 June 2024 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

    Against a background of disruption and conflict in Europe over the past few years, mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and also due to the significant displacement of war and cultural refugees, families have been the centre of, and most affected by, these crises.

    The congress will be constructed around a plenary session during a period of two days, followed by a series of parallel workshops.

  • 9th International Symposium on Resilience Research

    >> DEADLINE for registration and abstract submission until 31st July 2023 <<

    The symposium is organized yearly by International Resilience Alliance (intresa), the EU Horizon project DynaMORE, Leibniz-Institute for Resilience Research and University Medical Center Mainz. We are part of the Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network (rmn²).

    Early bird deadline:
    1st April 2023

    Application deadline:
    15th May 2023

    More information